
Amir Nasser Eftetah was born 1925 in Amereyeh street in Tehran. He became interested in Tombak when he was very young. He started his Tombak tuition with Hoshang mehrvarzan who was a student of Ostad Hossein Tehrani. Through his dedication, intelligence and aptitude, he became very quickly very proficient in deep understanding of Tombak and a virtuoso performer
He was only 16 when he Joined Iranian national radio. He soon later started teaching Tombak at Rejai music school. At this time, he joined Golha rdaio programme ensemble. He became a Tombak instructor at Mandana music school. He later started his own music school called Gaam.
He was very dedicated to his chosen main musical instrument. He was very meticulous in his instructions for correct method of playing Tombak. He sometimes used to spend more than one month with a student instructing him in corrected sitting position and correct method of holding the Tombak
He did not have any children and always treated his students as if they were his own children. He used to take special interest in their education. Punctuality, dedication and practice of his students were very important to him
Many of prominent Tombak artists are student of Ostad Eftetah. they include: Ostad Bahman Rajabi, Ostad Morteza Ayan, Ostad Mahmod Farahmand, Mahmod Rasoli and Homan Pourmehdi.
He died in 1977 at the age of 52. He was buried at Emamzadeh Taher in Karaj.